Curriculum: Intent, Implementation and Impact
At Pitcheroak School we believe that communication is integral to what we do. We are committed to providing a total communication environment to promote generalisation, consolidation of skills and provide opportunities for communication throughout the school day.
Communication is incorporated into every area of the curriculum which underpins all learning. Pupils have a communication passport which details how they communicate and how best to communicate with them.
Our school promotes a total communication approach. This includes strategies such as objects of reference, visual supports, PECS, signing and verbal language. The curriculum promotes children’s pre-intentional and intentional communication skills through a personalised approach.
Whole School |
Intent Every pupil will maximise their ability to communicate, to express needs, have a voice and socialise. Consistent use communication strategies to ensure a total communication approach is used in support of personalised learning and to remove any barriers. To have a fully informed and skilled work force to promote the best communication environments and opportunities for all. A way of tracking progress to ensure that communication development is on-going and that difficulties are identified early and addressed. |
Implementation New pupils with an identified speech and language difficulty are formally assessed.Levels of communication support are identified by Speech and Language therapists (SaLT), i.e. Universal, Targeted, Specialist.Appropriate communication strategies and targets are shared with all staff.Specialist communication support is timetabled across all key stages throughout the school week.Those pupils requiring highly individualised and personalised programmes of work will be implemented and monitored by a Speech and Language Therapist (SaLT) and supported by the Communication lead teacher or the Speech and Language Therapy assistant (SALTA) |
Impact Pupils are immersed in a communication rich environment. Pupils have a reliable communication method which enables them to express their needs and preferences and to understand the world around them. Pupils are effective communicators. |
Levels of communication intervention:
Universal level (a whole school communication approach to teaching and learning, strategies used routinely in class to support listening, understanding, and talking.)
Targeted level (pupils will receive specific additional support for communication: targets to improve listening, understanding and talking. Pupils may receive support in small groups or as a class).
Specialist level (pupils will receive individual support for communication from specialist services, speech and language therapist and school staff, working together. Pupils will move between the three levels of interventions as their communication develops).