
Admission of pupils to the school is through an Educational Health Care Plan or through an assessment placement as negotiated with the Local Authority.
School placement of pupils with Special Educational Needs is typically determined by Worcestershire County Council (The Local Authority). Most of the pupils attending the school are resident in Worcestershire. The Admissions Process at Pitcheroak School is determined by ‘The School Admissions Code’ and ‘The Admissions Appeals Code’ written by the Department for Education (DfE).
School admissions code – GOV.UK (
School admissions appeals code – GOV.UK (
Admission Process:
- The school receive a formal request for a placement from a Local Authority (this could include neighbouring Local Authorities also).
- The school reviews all documentation and considers whether the pupil’s needs can be met and whether the school has the space, staffing and resources to accommodate the pupil within its existing operational organisation.
- The school will then respond to the relevant LA as to whether or not they can meet the needs of the child.
- The SEND team will then send confirmation that a place has been offered to the parents/ carers.
- Once a place has been offered parents/ carers, prospective pupils, their teachers and supporting professionals are advised to and welcome to visit the school by prior appointment.
- The school may offer taster sessions or a phased entry into school life if that is requested or visit the pupil’s school and family as necessary.
- In common with other schools in the Redditch area, Pitcheroak hold transition afternoons for pupils transferring between schools at the end of Key Stage 2.
- Children can be admitted to Pitcheroak School at any age depending on availability of spaces. Children can also be admitted mid-year.