Our School
Pitcheroak School provides education and specialist support for approximately 150 pupils between the ages of 4 and 19. All pupils that attend the school have additional learning needs from developmental delay to very complex learning and communication needs.
The school was last inspected by Ofsted in October 2018. Here is what the inspectors said about us when they last visited:
“The school is a confident, outward-looking and calm community.”
“Pupils achieve well during their time at the school, personally and academically. They make and keep friends and are very well prepared for life beyond school.”
“Parents and carers believe that Pitcheroak School helps pupils and families flourish. Parents and carers are confident that pupils enjoy coming to school and that they benefit from high-quality care.”
“Bullying in the school is infrequent but it is dealt with sensitively if it occurs.”
“Staff in the school know what to do if they have safeguarding or welfare concerns. They are well trained…vigilant and alert to potential issues.”
“Pupils are doing well across all key stages, including in the Sixth form, taking their individual starting points into account.”
“Pupils behaviour and attendance are good. Praise and positivity abound around the school.”
Pitcheroak School is located in Redditch in Worcestershire. It was opened in 1974. Extensions and renovations were added in 1982, 2016 and 2020 to extend the number of classrooms in the Primary Department as well as adding two extra playgrounds. As well as a range of traditional classrooms the school has a variety of specialist areas including a fitness studio, a food technology room, a large hall/ gym, a sensory studio, a water play area, an intervention room for therapists and specialists and two large horticulture polytunnels for pupils in the 14-19 department
In November 2022, the school became an Academy and is now part of the CLP Trust.
The sensory studio is a versatile space that can be adapted to any area of the curriculum and provides a platform for immersive environments and multi-sensory stimuli. The space makes use of projectors to impose wide images, coloured LED lights, a surround sound system and a variety of interfaces for use by pupils and staff. We can develop our own content and use various adaptive technology aids to trigger lighting, video and sound changes. The studio is aimed at educating and stimulating pupils by encouraging them to play multi-sensory learning games. It has been designed to provide pupils with the opportunity to learn whilst working, exploring and supporting memory cognition, creativity, social skills, fine motor skills, balance, co-ordination and control.
Outside the school has access to a sports field, a Forest School and 6 x different playground areas for different key stages.