
Curriculum: Intent, Implementation and Impact

Intent To show an interest in a variety of occupations delivered through PSED and Understanding the World. To begin to show resilience and perseverance when challenged with career skills such as problem solving and cooperative working. To show an attempt to communicate and cooperate with unfamiliar people in the safe context of their community.
Implementation Frequent and varied opportunities to experience different people’s occupations in the community through role play and with visitors. A range experiences of occupations offered through role play and immersive play. Extensive opportunities provided for pupils to develop their understanding of careers skills.
Impact Pupils develop an understanding of a range of occupations that different people have.Pupils will have an ability to demonstrate some of the building block skills required for the world of work. Pupils will have been exposed to and be able to show a preference for different occupations.
Intent To ensure each pupil has access to a bespoke careers curriculum closely linked to RHSE, individual transition pathways and preparation for adulthood targets.To encounter and develop skills to support pupils to function in the world of work.To support pupils to develop an understanding of different job roles and occupations.
Implementation A highly adapted, multi-sensory and skills-based approach. Repeated learning experiences to enable pupils to develop core careers skills. Role play and experiences of a range of occupations in the school and wider community.Specific and focused work experience allowing pupils to explore careers, and the skills needed for it.
Impact Pupils demonstrate increasing engagement and participation in a breath of careers activities.Pupils are able to show a growing understanding of their own options for their future and have a voice in planning their pathway to adulthood. Pupils can apply the knowledge and skills developed to everyday situations, in preparation for life beyond school.
Intent To develop an understanding of different careers and the skills, knowledge and qualities required. To develop an understanding of the post education choices available to them, to allow pupils to plan and pursue their chosen pathway to adulthood.  To participate in work experience and volunteering in a range of settings. To provide pupils with independent careers advice and a broad menu of experiences of apprenticeships, traineeships and FE colleges.
Implementation A program of experiences and careers advice and guidance from a range of providers including further education providers, apprenticeships, traineeships and workplace employers.Access to regular and personalised independent careers advice to support pupils to be active participants in planning their pathway to adulthood.A skills-based approach that is in line with the National Curriculum, careers guidance and access for education and training providers and the Gatsby Benchmarks.A progressive learning experience is provided with an expectation that pupils will move from scenario and role play to demonstrating careers skills in the school and local community.Breadth and balance of careers is provided through a range of practical, investigative, oral and real-life experiences.
Impact Pupils use skills and knowledge of further education, traineeships and apprenticeships to allow them to be active participants in planning the transitions pathway and preparing for adulthood targets. Pupils understand the skills, knowledge and qualities required for their chosen pathway. Pupils can apply the knowledge and skills developed to everyday situations, in preparation for adulthood.

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