Outdoor Learning, Enrichment & Residentials

As part of our curriculum offer, we believe that every pupil at Pitcheroak school should experience the world beyond the classroom, whether this be indoors or outdoors, close to home or far away. This is as an essential part of learning and personal development regardless of age, ability or circumstance.

Outdoor Learning

Outdoor learning improves child development, supports mental health and wellbeing, deepens nature connection and promotes more inclusive and engaging learning. It improves skills such as problem solving and communication, as well as an enhancing understanding of the world in which we live.

We are very fortunate at Pitcheroak school to have a dedicated Forest School area which enables us to immerse pupils into nature; allowing them to explore, show curiosity and to develop social, physical and educational skills, that they might not learn in the conventional classroom. Learning within the Forest School area is practical and incorporates both adult-led and child-initiated activities. It is an opportunity to take some supported risks that are appropriate to the environment and the pupils themselves.

Enrichment and Residentials

We aim to offer all of our pupils a wide variety of enrichment and offsite experiences throughout their time in school. There is a 4-year offsite enrichment plan which is closely linked to our school curriculum, to enhance and extend learning and help prepare our pupils for life beyond school. To view the current plan for additional opportunities for each Key Stage please click on the link below. Please note that this may be subject to change throughout the academic year.

All Key Stages participate in termly offsite trips to extend & embed classroom learning. Pupils in KS2 and KS3 go swimming on a half-termly basis and access a longer day offsite experience. 3-day residential trips commence in KS3 where pupils have an opportunity to develop and improve physical skills, teamwork, independence and resilience.

When students reach KS4 there are some exciting new opportunities on offer. As well as weekly and termly offsite experiences, pupils can take part in the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme, the volunteering component of this taking place out in the local community and expeditions taking place further afield such as the Gower in Wales.

Duke of Edinburgh

Students in the 14-19 Department take part in Bronze, Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award.

As part of this Award young people will take part in three different sections:

Skills – taking part in improving and learning new skills such as cooking, dancing or golf. The purpose of this is for young people to pursue their own interests and build skills which will support them in their futures.

Volunteering – students will volunteer in the local community of Batchley helping to improve the environment. Young people have planted gardens, decorated a care home, worked with charity shops and support groups. Through this the learn work skills and teamwork.

Physical – in this section young people set themselves fitness or sports goals where they engage with physical activity regularly over a period of time and take part in organised sports including football tournaments, dance festivals and Bocca tournaments.

Young people will build these skills weekly over a period months dependant on which award they are taking part in.

In addition to these sections the young people will also build expedition crafts including navigation, camping skills, teamwork and independence to prepare them to take part in camping Expeditions. The length and quantity of these depend on the Award level that they are working towards. Young people have adventured to in Malvern, Gower and Worcestershire putting their skills to the test and achieving their own personal targets.

At Pitcheroak school we encourage all to have ago at Duke of Edinburgh ensure it is accessible and adapted so that our students are successful and achieve to the highest of standards.

” When I started DofE I didn’t think it was my thing but at the end I realised I had learnt so much and done things I thought were impossible for me. I also had loads of fun!” Year 13 pupil, 2024.

Achievement Numbers

Silver 613
Gold  2