Outreach & Multi-Agency Working
Outreach Provision
Pitcheroak School can also offer outreach provision if requested. We have several staff who are able to offer this support. Local schools or the Local Authority can make a request to Pitcheroak School for support for pupils they feel would benefit from some specialist input in the field of SEND strategies such as Speech, Language and Communication or Behaviour Management.
We can support pupils in mainstream schools who have barriers to learning and whose learning difficulties are acknowledged in an EHCP.
Multi-Agency Working
At Pitcheroak School we work very closely with a range of other professionals, both from the Local Authority and other services.
The school ‘buys in’ the services of a designated Educational Psychologist, Careers Advisor and Educational Welfare Officer. We are fortunate to also have access to a range of therapists who regularly visit the school, including speech and language therapists, occupational therapist, music, play and other Health Service staff.
We are very keen to work with other agencies in the best interests of both pupils and families and can arrange multi-agency meetings to enable agencies to discuss and share the support they are giving to individuals and their families.