
If you are worried that a loved one is being radicalised you can get advice or share a concern so that they can get safeguarding support.  You can also call the police on 101 or contact your local authority safeguarding team.

Although rare, increased online activity and feelings of stress and isolation may be exploited by online groomers to target vulnerable children and young people – including extremist influences seeking to radicalise vulnerable people.

Extremists may use the coronavirus outbreak to promote hateful views, for example through conspiracy theories blaming a particular group for the virus, or through spreading misinformation about these groups’ responses to it.

Online exploitation is often hard to recognise. Sometimes there are clear warning signs – in other cases the changes are less obvious. Although some of these traits may be quite common among teenagers, taken together they could indicate that your child may need help. The Let’s Talk About It lists some of these signs.

You know your child best and you will want to speak with them first. Check in with them and ask about what they are viewing, who they are speaking to and how they are feeling.

Resources that may help:

You can report terrorist content you find online. More information about what to report and what happens when you make a report can be found on the Action Counters Terrorism campaign.

Further information can be accessed by clicking on any of the links below:

Our aims – Prevention of extremism and radicalisation (WCC)

Prevent National Referral Form

Prevention of Extremism and Radicalisation Referral Process (WCC)