Careers & Destinations
Careers Advisor

Claire White
Careers Advisor
At Pitcheroak School we are fortunate that we have access to a fully qualified careers advisor, Claire White. Claire works across many special schools in Worcestershire and is able to provide impartial advice and careers guidance to young people and their families. Claire has extensive knowledge and experience within her field and is available to attend EHCP annual reviews as well as other relevant meetings if requested.
Statutory guidance is set out in the Government’s careers strategy for pupils in years 8-13 and we use the Gatsby Benchmarks to develop and improve our provision.
As a school we are able to provide young people with information about local services, providers and other opportunities that help them to plan their career pathway.
Additionally, our teachers provide lessons on careers, further education and leisure opportunities as part of the curriculum.
A summary of the careers programme, including how pupils, parents/carers, teachers and employers may access information about the careers programme can be found in the strategy document below.
WCC have produced a helpful booklet to support parents and carers when considering next steps.
Choices – SEND Life Beyond School
Open Days at Colleges
As a parent/carer we can support you with the decision-making process about which provision is suitable for your son or daughter post school.

If you are interested in attending any open days at local colleges Claire White can advise and support you with this.
You can telephone and leave a message for Claire on 01527 65576 or contact her via her e-mail which is:
Destinations of Leavers
July 2024 – Destination of Leavers
July 2022 – Destination of leavers